Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For Love

For Love

What the mind idealizes & the body desires,
something unknown accelerates, keeps, & makes last.

Some call it soul,
others heart or spirit,
but by whatever name
(& all words lack something essential)
it preserves, persuades, & protects.

It is there in the patter of a child,
in the needful relief of travel,
& in the shared glance of any given day.

It is the promise that makes forever possible;
It is the excitement of knowing one thing doesn't disappear.


Here's a link to a poem I wish I would have written: "Bird-Understander" by Craig Arnold
Here's a link to the Creeley poem that got mine started: "For Love" by Robert Creeley

1 comment:

  1. I guess I didn't notice before, but "all words lack something essential" is another great line. Isn't that the poet's entire problem in a nutshell? Explains too much.

    Glad you posted!
