Monday, November 7, 2011

What Won't Wait?

November Poem a Day Challenge: Day 7

Everything learns to wait:
The soil waits long weeks,
sometimes months even in
this capricious climate for
the salubrious soak & then
there is the waiting for the
torrent to stop stealing the
once bone dry soil now aslide.
We can plan for or against it,
but eventually the drought
must come & eventually
it must end. What is between
is what every animal knows:
who learns to wait learns
the secret of patience,
of fortitude, of survival.

I wonder about the family of
raccoons that lives near us,
perhaps some spend this rainy
Fall evening under our back stoop,
the little ones have grown now
I’m sure, perhaps moved out
& on their own, waiting for
late Winter to allow them
their first chance at making new.
Tonight, whatever solitary hole
each hides in must feel  miles
away from home as the soil
soaks up every ounce of cold,
 cold rain covering the known,
familiar scent of rubbage,
& recommending something
as awkward as night-sleep.

Even the three year old boy
who wrestles every second
out of life stumbles eventually
to bed, eyes wide open if only
for a last few minutes before
sleep finally overwhelms his
tired body, well-used, bruised,
in dire need of  slumber. It must
be the quiet racket of rain against
the windows, the slow beat upon
the roof & the hum of a distant
television that does the trick,
ends the wait & draws his great
big blue eyes finally to close.


  1. Three gorgeous images/stanzas. Love this. You are at your best when you write about your boys & family.

  2. Thanks. I appreciate it. I want to edit the first stanza, way too much alliteration. And why the heck I used the word salubrious I have no idea. I've never said that word in my life and it just popped into my head. That breaks one of my rules, must fix it.
