Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Missing Years

"Orbits" 10/11/2011 

I spent my missing years
missing my father,
falling in & out of love,
altering states & reading books.

I travelled:
walked the dirt of sacred spaces,
slept in the desert,
slept on a couch,
slept on floors, in cars, & in hotel rooms,
in old beds & in new beds.

I found & lost a thousand dreams,
made a hundred schemes and let them fall.
They still appear sometimes on my drives:
coyotes crossing a road, the way they walk
a meditation on what they’ll do,
not what they’ve done, but what comes next.

I made poems whose satisfaction next lasts,
thought stories whose ends would never come,
smiled sweetly at the births of nieces and nephews,
frowned at injustices & cried for all things lost.

It was impossible to know how long they’d last
& there were many moments of found inside the lost,
like tiny electric charges jolting me out of sleep.

Then one day, there it was:  
the life I had been waiting for had been there all along.

Yes, I still miss the things I’ve lost:
the years of people, honest prayers, & unfinished stories.
But the things I’ve found, the things we’ve made,
are sure as the stars on an October morning & do not vanish,
not completely, but mark our movement around in orbit:
the circle that is a life that is always being found.


  1. The last stanza moved me to tears. It's all any of us want, I think. To feel like we're "always being found". It's so so so easy--and more common--to be lost.


  2. Though I know I already told you, I love this poem. Love it.
