Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dubito Ergo Sum

or The Philosopher in the Bread Oven

[A Play in one Act]

Desy (eyes closed): It is lonely here at the bottom of things.

Mouse (perched on back legs, hands out): Friend, you are not alone here. You are never really alone.

Desy (eyes still closed): But I can’t be sure of you, pal. After all, I might just be imagining you, right?

Mouse (hands slowly dropping to his mousy sides): And would that really matter, friend?

Desy (eyes wide open): Pal? Where’d you go?

Mouse (gone): Je suis partout.

Desy (eyes closed again): Il y a beaucoup à regretter.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to know where the idea for this came from, the subtitle, the use of french, the characters' names. It reminded me of Waiting for Godot, actually.

    There's something beautiful in this tiny scene...post-modernism at its best. We are all blinded by the illusion of separateness, and that illusion becomes reality if we cling to it long enough.
