alone for an hour,
a strange-warm
winter Sunday,
a handsaw &
we made a
tree disappear,
but the sapling
trunks, five in all,
at the place they
were the thickest
remain undug,
another day’s
tool & time.
together an hour
winding through
grocery aisles,
we two & the
wee one gather
future meals
brave the hectic
crowds, borrowing
time from tears
that (lucky us)
never come:
we fill a cart
with food,
with plans,
pay the tab,
load for
the unload
& put away.
shipping the troops
outside for an hour
a snowless deployment
rare in January:
left to their own
devices: grey sidewalks
graffito’d a winter blue,
a hill race on foot,
red bike turns,
brotherly taunts,
wrestles & rolls
in the brown
& sleep-full grass.
this is what it means to share an imagination:
the imagery of possibility: of unwarped cubits,
the momentary escape into the lion’s roar of labor:
throb of forearm, the aching cramp within the glove,
the shared but dreaded rituals of domestic life
turned magically into a game of hide & seek,
the pride of witnessing the brotherly bond
exult in its freedom to create & to break down:
to know that what grows must change,
that change creates loss as it provides gain,
that change creates loss as it provides gain,
to learn the patience of long love,
through the slow victimage of growing old
but most of all, learning the easiest lessons last:
that the anecdotes of memory are all we carry through,
that nothing remains but what is loved well,
that innocence is possible when the right task meets the right
nothing teaches virtue better than the story that can’t
be told,
the story that gives & gives & knows no proper
way to end.